
Valerie Z.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2026

Hometown: Frostburg, MD

Major: Biological Sciences

Favorite Spot on Campus

The stairs and benches next to the Library Pond! I love to see how the pond looks different in the changing seasons and my favorite times to go is when no one else is around and enjoy the tranquility!

My most memorable UMBC experience was...

Playing Dungeons and Dragons in my dorm room with a group of my friends!

Fun Fact

I spent my high school years at an international school in Shenzhen China!

Favorite Class or Professor and Why

STAT350 Statistics with an Application in Biology taught by Professor Stanwyck! I had a great time in her class and found her way of teaching to be very engaging, as well as enjoying the content in her class!

I'm passionate about...

Art (drawing/painting) Photography Clarinet Piano Academics

I'm involved with...

Environmental Task Force Club Ice Hockey Club Volleyball
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