
Sonia P.

Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2026

Hometown: Maryland

Major: Visual Arts

Concentration: Intermedia

Favorite Class or Professor and Why

I'm really loving my Typography class with Suzanne Marshall! She's clearly very knowledgeable about graphic design and she has a lot of experience working in the field. I'm learning a lot in her class about type history, current industry standards, and the most practical ways to approach designing with type.

My most memorable UMBC experience was...

My first improv show! I love being a part of the improv troupe on campus. It's been super cool getting involved with planning and admin for the club as well, and I've learned a lot about leadership and what it takes for a student organization to flourish!

Favorite Local Shop or Restaurant

I love Taste Tea, the boba place near campus! It's walking distance, but it's also accessible by the UMBC bus. It's honestly my favorite boba place ever.

I chose UMBC because...

...of the great community, the beautiful campus, and the excellent arts education offered here. It's close to home but it's given me a place to learn how to live independently and build a strong foundation for a career.

I'm passionate about...

Painting Art Fine Art Design Film and Photography Improv Graphic Design

I'm involved with...

Improv Team
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