
Shaylee C.

Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide and Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2025

Hometown: Middletown, MD

Major: BFA Acting

Secondary Major: Early Childhood Education

My UMBC hack is...

Using the elevators if I'm too tired for stairs, there's elevators in every building so they aren't too hard to find.

Favorite Class or Professor and Why

Rebecca Kirvan is an incredible math professor, I hate math with a passion, and she made the class engaging and low stress!

Favorite Local Shop or Restaurant

Oca mocha or the grilled cheese and co! (if you bring your UMBC ID you get a discount)

Fun Fact

Sushi is my favorite food!

I'm passionate about...

Teaching and Guiding Kids preforming arts

I'm involved with...

Acting ...singing and playing piano
View all Grit Guides for University of Maryland, Baltimore County