Tour Guides and Grit Guide and Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Class of 2027
Hometown: Damascus, MD
Major: English
Concentration: Literature
Secondary Major: Philosophy
Minor: Theatre Design & Production
UMBC has a way of truly bringing out the best in everyone. It's rigorous academically and encouraging creatively; everything that I could want to help me improve in all aspects of life. The policies UMBC has in place make failing ok as we truly only learn from our failures. Additionally, I have to say UMBC has a way of helping you find your people!
Performing tricks with my serivce dog, Jake, at the SEB talent show!
It was closer to home and had the programs I wanted. I wasn't dead set on the school when I applied but I am happy to say my forever home!
I have a service dog! Feel free to say hi to Jake if you see him around! :)