
Jillian C.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide and Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2027

Hometown: Sykesville, MD

Major: Graphic Design

Minor: Entrepreneurship

What makes UMBC home?

UMBC is an incredibly welcoming community with so many wonderful opportunities. I have made amazing friends at UMBC, and had so many great new experiences.

Favorite Spot on Campus

The Commons! I love spending time studying, hanging out with friends, and grabbing food at the commons. I love how many options there are! Plus I love how many different spots there are to study in.

My most memorable UMBC experience was...

My first homecoming carnival! My friends and I had a blast homecoming weekend. We had lots of fun, won prizes, and made some great memories.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

I have made truly amazing connections with both fellow students and staff at UMBC. This exposure to so many accomplished people has really diversified a lot of my knowledge and social experiences. Plus academic opportunities and my courses have been incredibly fascinating and helpful.

I'm passionate about...

Reading Working Out Hiking and the Outdoors Drawing Painting Design

I'm involved with...

Design Club Linehan Scholar
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