
Gwyneth W.

Grit Guide and Tour Guides and Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2027

Hometown: Maryland

Major: Dance

Minor: Acting

Favorite Spot on Campus

My favorite spot on campus would have to be the PAHB. You can feel the passion in that building, and it always gets me excited about getting to perform and create for my career!

Fun Fact

My birthday is 5/5/05, and I was born on the 5th day of the week!

How has UMBC helped you grow?

UMBC has helped me discover my own processes and preferences by offering me many opportunities, both inside and outside of my departments.

I chose UMBC because...

Many of my dance instructors growing up had attended UMBC, and I felt very at home in their program. The Linehan Artist Scholars Program has provided me with so many cool opportunities across all arts disciplines. UMBC is also a very conveniently sized and positioned campus. The entire campus is walkable, and is located fairly close to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and Washington DC.

I'm passionate about...

Performing Musical Theatre Listening to Music Crafting Crochet watching movies with friends

I'm involved with...

Women's Ultimate Frisbee Club
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