
Evan R.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2025

Hometown: Newark, DE

Major: History

Secondary Major: Political Science

Minor: Public History

My advice to prospective students...

Form good relationships with your professors. They are incredible resources and are able to help with so many different things if you ask them.

Favorite Spot on Campus

The Library 7th floor. It is a perfect place to study with amazing views of UMBC and the Baltimore skyline.

My UMBC hack is...

Take advantage of the resources offered around campus, through professors, the academic success center, career center or elsewhere, it is an easy way to get ahead.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

UMBC has presented many opportunities for me to grow through programs like study abroad and access to leadership positions in clubs and across the state.

I'm passionate about...

Sports Soccer Theatre World History US politics

I'm involved with...

Model United Nations Maryland Student Legislature
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