
Tamaya D.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2026

Hometown: Dundalk, MD

Major: Psychology

Secondary Major: Social Work

Minor: Sociology

What makes UMBC home?

UMBC has a very welcoming community that makes it easy to be yourself.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

UMBC has helped me grow by showing me new perspectives and helping me get out of my shell. Through my classes and friends I have tried new things that I would not have tried otherwise or was too scared to.

I chose UMBC because...

I chose UMBC because of its diversity and how many dogs and animals I knew I would be able to see when I am here.

Fun Fact

I am a twin.

I'm passionate about...

Dance Music Mental Health Dogs

I'm involved with...

Center for Democracy and Civic Life ChewMBC OPA kpop dance club (KDC)
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