Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Class of 2026
Hometown: Eldersburg, MD
Major: Social Work
Secondary Major: Psychology
Minor: Entrepreneurship
The people on campus! Everyone is so nice and welcoming, you are sure to feel right at home when talking to fellow students!
Professor Marcela Mellinger. She is my favorite professor as she pushed me to work harder than any other teacher has. I produced my best work in her class due to her amazing teaching and encouragement. If you ever have the opportunity too take her for SOWK 360 please do!
Quadmania! This is a fun event during homecoming weekend were a carnival comes to campus and you get to go on rides and play games. When I was with my friends, we won a huge stuffed animal and I'll never forget how much we laughed and enjoyed that night!
I loved the size of the campus and the Social Work program at UMBC!