Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Class of 2026
Hometown: Eldersburg, MD
Major: Social Work
Secondary Major: Psychology
Minor: Entrepreneurship
I have met some of the most wonderful people at UMBC who push me to do my best work every day. So, UMBC has helped me grow by introducing me to people who will always push me to be my best.
Make sure you look into everything UMBC has to offer! Their are endless opportunities and resources provided at UMBC, so looking into all that UMBC has to offer is essential!
Quadmania! This is a fun event during homecoming weekend were a carnival comes to campus and you get to go on rides and play games. When I was with my friends, we won a huge stuffed animal and I'll never forget how much we laughed and enjoyed that night!
One of my favorite local restaurants is The Atlantic on Frederick Rd. It is only a few minutes drive off campus and has some of the best food you will ever have!