
Maria H.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Class of 2026

Hometown: Eldersburg, MD

Major: Social Work

Secondary Major: Psychology

Minor: Entrepreneurship

My UMBC hack is...

to make sure you give yourself time to take care of yourself and invest time into your interests!

Favorite Spot on Campus

My favorite spot on campus is the 7th floor of the library. I love to find a cozy corner and do my homework and catch up with friends!

Favorite Class or Professor and Why

Professor Marcela Mellinger. She is my favorite professor as she pushed me to work harder than any other teacher has. I produced my best work in her class due to her amazing teaching and encouragement. If you ever have the opportunity too take her for SOWK 360 please do!

Favorite Local Shop or Restaurant

One of my favorite local restaurants is The Atlantic on Frederick Rd. It is only a few minutes drive off campus and has some of the best food you will ever have!

I'm passionate about...

Crafting scrapbooking Crocheting! Video Gaming Singing Social Work Psychology Drinking Coffee

I'm involved with...

Peer Mentor Orientation Fellow Orientation Peer Ambassador
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