
Lillian M.

Grit Guide and Tour Guides and Visual and Performing Arts Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2025

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Major: Theatre - Design and Production

Secondary Major: History

Minor: Medieval and Early Modern Studies

I chose UMBC because...

there is opportunity for anyone that seeks it. No area of study is more important than another, just as no one student is more important than anyone else.

Favorite Spot on Campus

Definitely the Commons. Whether it's lunch with friends, a busy night in the game room, or an organization-sponsored event, there's always something to take part in at the Commons.

My most memorable UMBC experience was...

going to Convocation. It filled me with a sense of school pride from my very first week on campus.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

It has encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone to meet new friends and take advantage of exciting opportunities.

I'm passionate about...

Shakespeare Love to explore music genres Mental Health Design Learning

I'm involved with...

Linehan Scholar Study Abroad
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