
Katie K.

Grit Guide and Tour Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Class of 2026

Hometown: Walkersville, MD

Major: Biology

Concentration: PA-Track

Secondary Major: Dance

Fun Fact

One fun fact about me is that I am the only left-handed person in my family!

My UMBC hack is...

definitely use the shortcuts to get up to the performing arts building if need be! The steps can get super tiring, especially on a Monday morning :)

How has UMBC helped you grow?

I feel as though I have become super independent, just by being on my own, alone. Furthermore, I have taken on so many commitments and all of them together has really allowed me to reach out of my comfort zone.

What makes UMBC home?

Everywhere you go on campus, everybody is friendly. People will stop to talk to you, everybody is supportive of one another, and overall, the vibes as you go around is calm and inviting.

I'm passionate about...

Dancing Traveling Hiking and the Outdoors Spending Time with Family & Friends

I'm involved with...

Greek Life (Phi Mu) Dance Team Pre-PA Society
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