
Fabiola L.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Class of 2026

Hometown: San Salvador, El Salvador

Major: Social Work

Minor: Spanish

How has UMBC helped you grow?

UMBC has helped me grow by making me feel more confident about myself and with my work. When I need I ask for help I go to the tutoring center.

My advice to prospective students...

My advice for prospective student is to research all the schools and visit the campus to see which school feels like you belong.

Fun Fact

Fun fact about me is that I was born in El Salvador and moved here when quite young. Another fact is that I like going hiking and traveling.

I chose UMBC because...

I chose UMBC because I feel like I belong I don't feel overwhelmed by people and classes that I am attending. The event is not overwhelming as well they make you feel like it is a family event.

I'm passionate about...

swimming. Listening Music Helping Others taking care of animals

I'm involved with...

Student Red Cross Club anime club Astronomy
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