
Fabiola L.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Class of 2026

Hometown: San Salvador, El Salvador

Major: Social Work

Minor: Spanish

My UMBC hack is...

My UMBC hack is to try different study techniques to see which one you feel works best for you.

My advice to prospective students...

My advice for prospective student is to research all the schools and visit the campus to see which school feels like you belong.

During my first semester, I wish I would have known...

During my first semester I wish I would have known that classes don't not compare to high school classes. They are more tough and if you don't have a good study habit you will have a hard time managing your classes.

Favorite Local Shop or Restaurant

Favorite restaurant has to be long horn since I grew up going there for my either my birthday or one of my parents.

I'm passionate about...

swimming. Listening Music Helping Others taking care of animals

I'm involved with...

Student Red Cross Club anime club Astronomy
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