
Connor M.

Tour Guides and Grit Guide at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Class of 2025

Hometown: Annapolis, MD

Major: Geography & Environmental Science

Concentration: Earth & Atmospheric Science

Minor: GIScience Certificate

My UMBC hack is...

Buy a pint of ice cream and a root beer from the retriever market for a meal swipe and make a root beer float.

How has UMBC helped you grow?

I've definitely become more sociable, rather than staying in my apartment when I'm not in class I utilize the areas we have on campus to study and relax.

Favorite Local Shop or Restaurant

Cactus Silvestre in Arbutus gives you a student discount and it's also yummy.

I chose UMBC because...

I thought the campus was really pretty, I liked the options available for housing, and being a medium-sized school I felt I could get a more personal experience.

I'm passionate about...

Planetary Science Gaming Folk Music Music Skateboarding Films Comics Invincible Space

I'm involved with...

Skating Pokemon Go
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